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Sobering view on Masayoshi Son’s $100B Vision Fund

Sobering view on Masayoshi Son’s $100B Vision Fund

Арман Сулейменов

Арман Сулейменов
13 мая 2018 г.
13 мая 2018 г.

Here is an interesting passage. "Fundraising pitches are atypical of the tech world. A videoconference call to Tokyo with an awkward audio delay makes for stilted dialogue. After ten minutes Mr Son often interrupts, as one founder tells it: “Stop, I know. I’ve heard enough, how much do you want?” He then offers up to four or five times what the entrepreneur suggests. Any questions over what the firm would do with that much money and Mr Son threatens to put the cash into a rival, usually leading to capitulation. During talks with Uber, he threatened to invest in Lyft. SoFi, Didi, Grab and Brain Corp, which builds machine brains for robots, all got variations of the treatment".

Full piece: https://www.economist.com/.../21741969-it-giving-new...